Jun 23Liked by Lane Talbot

What an awesome update! Glad your summer is off to a good start!

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Jun 25Liked by Lane Talbot

Great read and update, Lane. Thank you.

I've been waiting for you to finish North Dark before I plunged in to continue to the finish. That can now be commenced!

Enjoy that True Summer. How I longer for that now in the winter of Melbourne, Australia, where we've had far too many mornings already that have been near to 0C. Nothing compared to Chicago, I'm sure, but Melbourne doesn't believe in house insulation, so it always feels colder than my youth in the UK.

I've been toying with Moby Dick as my next read, but I'm not sure yet. I've always wanted to read it but never gotten to it. I've just finished Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun and my mind is melted. I will reread it at some point, to glean all the many details I missed. One of the best sets of books I've ever read, for sure.

Enjoy the summer and slowdown. How true this is: "For months, I’ve been grappling with just how fragmented our modern world is. Not just fragmented but distracting and brain-melting."

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Gene Wolfe is amazing! I posted a one-page comic partially inspired by one of his short stories. XD Moby Dick is more entertaining than its reputation suggests, I hope you try it eventually (no pressure). 😊

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Jun 25Liked by Lane Talbot

I definitely will be trying!

Got a link to the comic?

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Sure! Thank you for asking. It's not necessarily a genre work, and I've been meaning to post about the process of making it. I hope you enjoy it!


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That cabin sounds incredibly restful and conducive to writing. I’m looking forward to reading all of North Dark now that it’s complete! I hope you enjoy the rest of Moby-Dick. Congratulations on your award! 🥳

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Thank you, Devin! REALLY appreciate the interest in North Dark

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